Role of the IIMA Endowment Fund

The IIMA Endowment Fund is set up to organise, streamline and recognise the giving made by alumni and corporations and to help create a formal, well-governed and professionally run structure through which they can contribute to IIMA’s future.

Since integrating with the erstwhile Development Office and kickstarting operations in June 2021, the IIMA Endowment Fund is IIMA’s unified fundraising and philanthropic arm for all contributions made to the Institute (Alumni, Corporate, CSR, etc.). Based out of the campus, the Endowment Team oversees fundraising, facilitates deployment, manages donor relations, and supports the Institute in donor reporting and documentation.

The IIMA Endowment Fund exists solely in the service of the institution. It aims to build a long-term, flexible source of funds powered by a self-replenishing and unencumbered corpus.

The vision of the IIMA Endowment Fund is to solidify IIMA’s global prominence in thought leadership, research, and academic excellence and achieve the next horizon of eminence. The funds raised by the IIMA Endowment Fund support strategic initiatives and projects that help achieve this vision. It is a mechanism to channel alumni participation and thus makes it a 360-degree approach.

As the unified fundraising and philanthropic arm of IIMA, the IIMA Endowment Fund is responsible for all kinds of contributions, individual, batch, corporate or CSR. Through all its activities and initiatives, the IIMA Endowment Fund has been instrumental in increasing donor engagement, fundraising discussions and MOU closures, deeper interactions with IIMA Faculty and fraternity, and industry and knowledge-building activities for all involved.